The senior class of Hillcrest High School announces it's Commencement Exercises, Friday evening, May fifteenth Two Thousand Nine, seven o'clock
Hillcrest High School Stadium Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Our youngest daughter Jill Suzanne Felts will be graduating. Many of you have met her over the years. We would love for you to attend if possible. It's so hard to see our baby growing up and sprouting her wings. If you would like to send her an encouraging word you may do so at:
4233 Hillswood Lane
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404
After graduation she will be attending our local community college to pursue a degree in cosmetology. She will also be moving out into her own apartment.
Hillcrest High School Stadium Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Our youngest daughter Jill Suzanne Felts will be graduating. Many of you have met her over the years. We would love for you to attend if possible. It's so hard to see our baby growing up and sprouting her wings. If you would like to send her an encouraging word you may do so at:
4233 Hillswood Lane
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404
After graduation she will be attending our local community college to pursue a degree in cosmetology. She will also be moving out into her own apartment.