OT: I like flowers!
I love flowers too. ANY KIND. And I can't wait to plant some in my flower beds. I want azaleas too. The pretty ones that bloom several times a year. I can't remember the name of them, but my neighbor told me this afternoon what kind they were. I will have to ask her again. I want some pansys and any other colorful ones I can get. I have window boxes on the front of the house too, that I want to put flowers in. hmmmmmm, think I could get some fake pansys to put in there? ha ha!!!
Down here we have Encore Ever Bloom Azaleas that bloom all year long. They have varieties that do well in your growing zone (zone 7).
Gasp! Fake flowers? Surely you jest! Pansey season is about done down here. Once it warms up in April it wll definitely be time to do some planting. I neglected my flower beds last year and will be paying for it this year. My husband is going to make me put my degree in Horticulture to
good use this year though.
Gasp! Fake flowers? Surely you jest! Pansey season is about done down here. Once it warms up in April it wll definitely be time to do some planting. I neglected my flower beds last year and will be paying for it this year. My husband is going to make me put my degree in Horticulture to
good use this year though.