What a week !!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm been MIA, but I HAVE A NEW GRANDDAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Georgia Marie was born Wed. 9 lbs 1 oz, 20 1/2 long. Beautiful long black hair and a head full ! Big sister Sam is still getting used to her. On Thurs. my mother wrecked on I-59 going home from seeing the baby, flipped her PT Cruiser about 6 times and wound up, upside down hanging from the seatbelt, we were in the ER with her until about midnight. She has no broken bones or internal injuries, but boy oh boy is she bruised from head to toe. She can't get up and down by herself, so we stayed until this afternoon in North Ala. helping her. Back to doctors offices with Bruce tomorrow and me Thursday. Anyway, I'm POOPED! Just checking in to see what yall have been up to.
Love to all,
Love to all,