I do not look like that picture anymore! lol For those of you that haven't seen me, I have lost a lot since our last 'group' thing,even though I was in a 4 then. Reasons for that.....anyway, NO not a problen with the original GBS. lol I will be SIX YEARS out this month and am still asked if anything going on is caused from my GBS. NOT. I heart my gbs!
Anyway, I love you and miss you! I keep in touch with several of you by phone or text, but have lost touch with so many! I MISS YOU!!! New picture soon.
You'll see me at Oak Mtn.....
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
You won't be at Oak Mtn???
If you thought I was Itty Bitty b4, just ask Louise about when she saw me....and I have lost since she saw me.
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
For any one that does not know we are talking about the Alabama Bariatric Support Reunion on April 4.
I think that has made 3 times today that I have mentioned the reunion on OH. Can you tell that I am excited.
Hey!! I miss you even though I have SEEN you recently. I want that weekend we talked about!! I will see you SOON at Oak Mtn.
I WILL get a new picture somehow. I need a full shot on my profile. lol I am smaller than when u saw me.
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op