hiddy Went to antique auction last night,Standing room only!Some of the old rocking chairs went for $5.00. We had a good time! I hope you all have a wonderful day.love Ellen your Froggy Friend
Wow standing room only.. and rocking chairs for $5.00.. Did you buy any? I love antiques but really don't have any in my home... now I have a Brother-In-Law that's house is full of them... and he has some really beautiful stuff.. anywhere from furniture too glassware...
The glassware was High it was Fenton and Roseville.Bedroom suites were 100.00.Tables and chairs 75.00. I got a china cabinet for 100.00 it is Thomasville oak with glass doors.night stands were 5.00.What a buy!!!!!!! have a great day. Ellen
hiddy vickie, Don't know yet. I did ask Maxie and he hasn't said. I will let you know later on tonight.ok. I have missed you too. I got my new computer so I am ready to do some more talking! lol.love Ellen