Thursday Coffee Talk
Our challenge for today is to not let this economic "crisis" get you down. The media only wants to portray the negative in society. They never show the good. If you focus on the economy and the negative aspects, you can get depressed. If you sit around all day watching the news and the market you WILL get depressed. SURE! Watch your spending and cut corners, but don't focus on EVERYTHING you hear. There are good things going on in the economy. No matter what the politicians are saying and doing. No, I am not free spending and yes we are conscious of our money/spending, but guess what? We are NOT going to get depressed over the economic "crisis". In my honest opinion (which may not be right of course), the media and politicians are talking us into the "crisis" causing people to not spend and to panic. Just my thoughts and challenge for today.
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? MAN OH MAN!! I am enjoying some wonderful Harry & David Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Coffee. Sure is good too! Especially now that I have my Sweet-N-Low to go with it. HEHEHEHE!!
Y'all have a blessed and wonderful Thursday!!

GREAT challenge my friend!! That coffee of your sounds heavenly.. Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my friend.
Love Yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
Hey! BTW! Isn't it time for another B'ham dinner? Maybe say .......... PF Chang's? HEHEHE
Love ya my friend!

Thanks for your kind words my friend!! YOU ALL BLESS me daily!! I love my OH family so much!! I am just me .. what you see is what you get!! Everyone here has helped me on my journey in some way or other... Thats why I am here .. to pass on that love and kindness to others.. that has been shown to me. I love and appreciate all my OH family & TRUE lifelong friends I have made here on OH.
I will be glad to get something together here in Bham.. BUT, Our experience at PF Changs was not good last time my friend... AND the coffee was HORRIBLE. Carmen and I had them to make us a fresh pot.. thinking it was old and had been setting in the pot for too long. It was BAD.. undrinkable!! The food was over priced and not that good as well. Any other suggestions??
LOVE You my friend!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
We still can though. I will have dinner with YOU!
I am going to church with Melissa again. Teddy's Momma called last night she is not doing well.
(Melissa) She is being sent to a thorasic surgeon in Birmingham. I told her I think that is a good idea. I had one and they put in a filter.
Anyway.. I love you my sister!!! See everyone loves you ALMOST as much as me!

You have a blessed day.
I'm off to take class and 2 exams!!
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06
Great challenge. The economic crisis isn't going to clear up overnight, so we may as well adjust our belts and settle in for the ride. Hopefully it won't affect many of us too terribly bad. I know gas prices are slowly climbing, but I read that they aren't supposed to reach $4 again. Let's hope not. I'm not gonna stress over it...I can't change things, only how I react to them. I agree that the press is making matters worse.
I'm sippin on a cappuccino this morning and boy is it good. I don't need much caffeine this morning so just a small cup. I am soooo sensitive to caffeine, but I do need my caffeine fix each morning. A little dab'll do ya!

Keeping you and your grandmother in my thoughts and prayers. Stay well!