Whatcha' Doin' Today???

happy girl
on 1/30/09 9:24 pm - Pensacola, FL
We got a new pc yesterday...and it's nice to be FAST!  Hee hee hee!  With lots more memory too!   So, I'm breaking it in this a.m. for a bit before I get started with ALL I need to do!

What are you doing today?  What is on your agenda for the day?  Are you trying to stay warm?  Are you cleaning house?  Cooking?  Working?  Preparing Taxes?  Shopping?  Maybe even Moving?  What are you doing?

We are cleaning house this a.m...then Jessie is OFF to Grandma's house to go with her to see Hotel for Dogs as I CLEAN her room/throw away things!  I will be packing up part of her room too.  This afternoon/evening I am packing as my brother and nephew are cleaning my windows and pressure washing my garage and front porch.  My brother owns his own window washing company in the Nashville area...and he lovingly offered to clean our windows to get our home ready to sell.  Then My mom & Sonny is feeding us all supper later on this evening...I think I can handle this!  I don't mind diving into a bunch of work if someone else can feed my family supper!  Sounds like a winner!!!!!

So, what are you doing? 


on 1/30/09 9:33 pm - AL
We have the little ones this weekend so that will definately guide what we do today. My minivan is in the shop so we wont be going anywhere together. Will let them make homemade pizza tonight.
I need to do some more deep cleaning but think I am coming down with something so I may just put that on hold
on 1/30/09 9:39 pm - Daphne, AL
Outside of grocery shopping, I don't plan on doing ANYTHING today.  I am taking a day of R&R and plan to enjoy it.  Tomorrow my huband and I plan on going to see the movie Slumdog Millionaire to see what all the Oscar attention is all about (it got 10 nominations).





Iris Shimmer
on 1/30/09 9:50 pm
Back to work for me today. I have been sick since WEdnesday with a nasty stomach bug. I am finally beginning to feel human again.
After work I will pick up some groceries then home to make supper and catch up 3 days worth of laundry!!

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.



Carmen G.
on 1/30/09 10:07 pm - Lincoln, AL
Good morning Jackie!!!!  I plan to finish straightening up the house.  Then hopefully make a trip to mommas for a couple of hours.  I am not sure yet, but I hope to go that way.  We have a special dinner at church after services tomorrow.  Our pastor's wife's birthday is tomorrow and we are having her a surprise b'day dinner.  I hope your weekend goes smoothly and great!!!  Love you!!!
on 2/1/09 12:09 am - Huntsville, AL
Hi Jackie!
Congrats on the new PC.  I got a new laptop and I'm breaking mine in too!  The keyboard sure is alot different than a desktop but after cutting my nails back about 3 inches, I think I can get used to it, haha.  I read where you're moving off and leaving us here in NA.  I sure will miss our get togethers at Starbucks as will the other ladies.  We sure had some good times and lots of laughs.  I will miss seeing your happy smiling face but I KNOW I'll see you at a dinner sometime.  Take care of you and your wonderful family and may God continue to richly bless you.  You are such a special person and you are so dear to me.


P.S. - Tell Tim I said WAR EAGLE anyway!  haha

"Life is too short not to be happy."

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