What'cha doing today???

Elle Felts
on 1/25/09 5:53 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Well, I didn't sleep well again last night.  Christian spent the weekend with us......usually stays Friday nights but spent last night cause Papa Kyle painted his bedroom at his house.  He couldn't stay in his room so Mama and Daddy won't share their bed and sent him home with us.  He's not felt well the last few days.  Still got a runny nose and bad cough.  He's kept me up most of the last 2 nights.  Ugh....but I love that baby with all my heart, soul and mind and I want him taken care of to the best of my ability.  I KNOW he's WELL TAKEN care of in mine and Kyle's care.

We got up and went to church this morning and his Daddy and Papa Kyle had to go to work after church.  He went home with Holly and Jill and I went out for a burger. 

We finally got all our computers fixed.  We have an awesome computer whiz at church that barely charged us anything for fixing my desktop, Holly's laptop (now mine) and Jill's desktop she bought from a friend.  Yeah....we're all up and running on the net.  I've spent the majority of the afternoon on with AT&T getting everything all set up on wireless.  Geez.....I thought I'd never get off the phone.

Holly will be so excited to be able to use her laptop here when she comes over and Jill has her own in her room now.  She bought it it back last summer and it hasn't worked since she got it, but it's working now so when she comes in from work, she's going to be so surprised.

Please spare a prayer for me.  My nerves are shot and I'm sleep deprived and going to try to take a short nap soon.  We have a lot going on right now and really need your prayers.  I cannot go into full detail, but God knows the needs and we pray that they will be met.

So, what are you all doing today?????
on 1/25/09 7:13 am - Tuscaloosa, AL
Dental work is still hurting, but I managed to get the bowl replaced on the carborater on my garden tractor.  I hope that I got the gasket on correctly.  However, I have not tried it yet, as it requires going to go and get some gasoline for the thing, which I just didn't want to do.

Now, I am catching up on some school work and listening to James Bond..... I love Sean Connery, but have not illusions that he or most men are like that.  I do love movies, though. 

As we were discussing earlier, the problem seems to be that a lot of women think that men are like they are in movies or daytime soaps.  Guys just don't have written scripts.  But you would be amazed at how many women believe that what they see in movies and read in romance novels is  the "way it is supposed to be."  Men, likewise, keep reading trashy sex books or watch porn movies and beleive that is a real relationship.  However, you would be surprised at the number of people who use those sources as what they are looking for...of course, we usually see them in counseling.  It is very scarey.

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text
Elle Felts
on 1/25/09 7:24 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Oh my,.,,,,that does sound scary.  Sorry to hear your dental work is still bothering you.  We must get together soon.  I just need a break from everything.  Need to do girls night out for coffee or dinner REAL SOON!
on 1/25/09 7:26 am - Alabama, AL
Dental Work? You have my sympathy!

I am still fighting with what started as an abcessed tooth over Memorial Day weekned...yep, Eight Months!

I have had Oral Surgery twice and just had Sinus Surgery two weeks ago. In eight months, I have been on Seven Different antibiotics, one of them five different times. That is 11 rounds of antibiotics in
eight months.

But thank goodness, I think we may have found the right combination this last time. Right now, I am feeling better than I have in months. I finished
post surgical antibiotics last Monday and I go back to
the ENT surgeon tomorrow for what will hopefully be my last visit.

I certainly hope that your dental work goes better for you than mine did and that you are pain free and feeling better very quickly!

Have a great night and enjoy that Chinese food. I am still thinking about dinner. I think I want some fresh baked cornbread and a can of Tomato soup.



happy girl
on 1/25/09 7:45 am - Pensacola, FL
So sorry you are hurting from dental work!  Sounds painful Karla. 
Enjoy your Bond, James Bond that is.  hee hee hee


happy girl
on 1/25/09 7:41 am - Pensacola, FL
We drove back from Pensacola today...went to pick up a few groceries...and now I'm doing laundry, getting ready to get back on the road tomorrow morning for L.A.  
I forgot the camera to take pics of the house.    And...it looks as if I am getting my wish of a later closing date too! 


Elle Felts
on 1/25/09 7:55 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL

When are ya'll planning on making the big move?  I know how much you must be excited.  I sure will miss you being in Alabama.  You will stay around on here won't you?  I sure hope so.  I just love you to pieces and hope to continue to stay in touch with you FOREVER...

happy girl
on 1/25/09 8:00 am - Pensacola, FL
Plan on making the move in March...and you bet I will be on the Bama Board!  I may live in FL, but I am a Southern Bama Girl at heart! 


Elle Felts
on 1/25/09 8:01 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
CAN WE COME VISIT???  ARE YOU GOING TO BE NEAR THE BEACH AT ALL???   I've never been to Pensicola before.  Would love to see that place.
on 1/25/09 7:41 am - Daphne, AL
YIKES!!!  Dental work?  I wonder if dentist ever get a complex because people just HATE going to see them.  As much as I like my dentist (as person), I don't much like to have to visit him.  Even if it's just for a routine cleaning.  I just don't like going to the dentist.  Does anyone? 

Glad t hear you have all your computers back up and working.  I am fortunate to be married to one heck of a computer geek who keeps us up and running.  We each have a desktop and a laptop (him for work and mine for school), and cell phones that we can access the internet/email on and we wonder why we never get anything done...we are too connected, if you can imagine.  Always connected, 24/7/365.  EXCEPT...when our grandaughter AnnaBelle is with us.  That's about the only time we take a step back and let it all wait.  As you well know, they are too precious to let any time get away from you.  I never imagined being a grandma would be this great.

What am I doing...nothing much.  Just catching up on my email and goofing off in general.  Nothing productive, that's for sure.    I'm saving that for tomorrow.  Today is my day of rest and relaxation.





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