What are YOU doing tonight?

Thank you so much for this reminder.
I am sitting here, hanging on to the one bar of wifi my computer is able to pick up. If the wind changes direction, I will surely lose my connection.
I wi**** werent so far to starbucks.. I need something warm and refreshing.
I Love YOU. Tell Lucy Lu hello and we love her too!
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".
Erma Bombeck

See if that works???

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".
Erma Bombeck

We have a fire burning as well, everyone is covered up in blankets and have laps full of cats. All I need now is some cocoa and marshmallows and I will be set.
Being married and spending time with the one that you love is one of the greatest things. Being a parent (and a grandparent!) is an awesome thing too. My son is grown (25) and lives down in Gainesville, FL so I don't get to see him often, but he calls almost daily....I talk to him more now that when he lived at home...LOL.
Enjoy your movie! We watched Mama Mia and just didn't get it. I think we must be the only people I know that did NOT like that movie at all. We took the granddaughter to see BOLT! in 3-D. Quite a new thing for a 3yo, but she behaved perfectly and seemed to like the special effects.
Take care and enjoy your quiet time together. It's precious time.
Enjoy your night as well...
PS....We have Mama Mia on our Netflix list. I hope we aren't disappointed?