A first.
I was sitting home watching television when my son called and said he wanted me to go shopping with him. We went to Unclaimed Baggage in Scottsboro then on to Huntsville shopping. He took me to Logans to eat then we finished the day by going to Books-a-million. But the thing is I did not spend a penny. I couldn't find anything I couldn't live without. But I had a wonderful time looking. And of course it's always nice to spend time with Shannon. He has such a quirky sense of humor. Love, Miss Mary
Mary, it was a pleasure finally meeting Shannon. I was just thinking that you might want to be careful about going off with him. He may start having flashbacks from his childhood and the time you put him off the school bus. Walking that last mile home could be a bummer especially if it's cold. lol Every time I hear or read of "tough love" I think of you and him and laugh.