Any Prayer Request?
Can you believe the stupididty over here.
It's really frightening to think there are whole states filled with these mental midgets.
"God" sure helped out a lot of those Jews in Nazi Germany, didn't he?
Do these ignoramus' ever think for a split second about the appalling implications of their idiotic beliefs.
This level of primitivism is just frightening.
Hi, DRAZ!!! And thankyou for visiting my state forum! Believe it or not, all Alabamians are not this simple minded. But would they feel comfortable sharing alternative beliefs on THIS forum? Of course not. They will be labeled "the devil," or, by even the NICER ones, said to have been brought here by God so he could "touch" them in some way. Anyone with anything other than a mind closed tighter than a frog's ass would get the hell up outta here fast, just as I have always done.
That is my problem and my point. This nonsense is an embarrassment to Alabamians with intelligence.
Hopefully, after the spanking the republicans took last night, the GOP will regroup, abandon these wingnut religious radicals that were their base, realize they are a dying breed and stop catering to their fear and ignorance. Maybe then we can start to see some real CHANGE in this world.