Voting Tomorrow
We blame the most visible target for our woes. Presently and until January, that is George W. Bush, but we fail to remember that Bush cannot do anything without the permission of the House and Senate, and any decision that he makes can be overturned. So if he has made bad decisions, then we have also made bad decisions in those "less important" elections of our senators and representatives. Our vote is our voice. Washington will hear what we say by the way we vote, not only for President, but for any vote that we are allowed to cast. It is not a trivial thing. It is important that each of us know what the election is about, how it will effect us, and what we want the future to hold for us.
However, you choose to vote, please do so tomorrow. And don't do your voting on some kind of emotional reaction to the individual candidates, but rather on the issues and the outcome you wish for our country. The President is only a figurehead of the people with limited powers. It is what has made us great that we limit his powers. Every President from Washington to G.W. has had to struggle with the Congress, and this has always proved to be a good thing. So remember what your vote represents and use it wisely.