daily devotion
I know GOD is an On time GOD
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Hebrews 6:12
Patience is probably the most difficult virtue to obtain. We live in an impatient world. We don't like waiting. We want everything and we want it now. It takes time, however to grow and mature. Sure, there are shortcuts but they don't provide the character and strength, which God desires for each of us. We don't become physically fit overnight. It is a steady process of proper nutrition, and exercise along with discipline and patience. God wants the very best for us and expects the very best from us. It doesn't happen overnight. It too, is a steady and sometimes slow process but with each lesson learned comes experience, and with each trial, an exercise of our faith; eventually we will come to a place of greater understanding and maturity. We will discover a discipline that didn't exist before, and a willingness to surrender and submit, to the authority of God. God does perfect work, and has perfect timing. We can trust that where we are is not where we will remain. He began the work in us and will, in time bring it to completion.
Day by day and moment by moment, I am following You. Help me to be patient and understand, that each place is a stepping stone, and that each experience in my life, serves to create and develop my character. I am trusting in You to complete and perfect the work You are doing in my life.