Over the weekend Frank talked to my bosses. With taking this medicine, it has gotten me all out of wack. I had told my bosses I was going to need some more time off, could be up to a month according to what the doctor said. And they offered a severance package so I took it. It just 2 weeks pay, but that is respectable. They are really good people, but it just didn't work out. I will find something else. I have been putting in applications over the internet. My mom and Frank both work at Walmart (the same one) and they are going to try to get me on there. So hopefully soon I will hear from them. I just want to be home as much as possible with my kids, but we need the money now and my oldest is old enough to watch after his brother. God is watching over us. He knows our needs and I have faith he will take care of us. It has been a rough year, but God has won out each and everytime. Please take care of yourself. Get some rest and go to the doctor tomorrow if you are not better.
I keep telling you that Jill is a jewel. That child is going to do well, just you wait and see. She has spirit and drive.
I am sorry that you are not doing well. I have had a flu shot, but I am feeling not up to par myself. I am not really sick , but feel like I am about to take a headache. I am also really sore all over. However, I did clean the entire front yard Saturday including weeding the flower beds, mowing, edging, sweeping, and all. Then I cleaned up the garage. I still have most of the house and the back yard to do. I would like to have most or all of it done by Thursday night, when my guests arrive.
I had a Lean Cuisine, which is what I do these days. Everything seems to make me sick again. I can eat popcorn balls from Walmart. They are great and just 100 calories each. The dog and I feast on them for dessert.