daily devotion
Boy does thi**** home today!
Love you all!
The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
In the light of day, we are able to see things clearly. What we see as a clear and distinct object in the day, can take on a completely different look as the shadows of the night approach. Dark shadows creep into all of our lives, and it is easier to give into our imaginations and the fear, instead of exercising our faith and trusting in God. Just as a lack of physical exercise will cause our bodies to become weak, so it is with our faith, when we fail to apply it daily to our lives. There is nothing to fear from the past, in the present or future. The darkness brings a feeling of hopelessness and fear of what may be, but we have the light of Jesus Christ dwelling within us and it is His light that cuts through the darkness, revealing the truth and assuring us that He loves us, He has not forgotten us, He will never leave us or fail us, and we have nothing to fear.
Lord, if the whole world is unstable, I am trusting in Your steady hand to guide me through. Thank You for faithfully leading the way and shedding light in the darkness. You are the source and the strength of my life. Amen.