Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Morning, I really agree, I am not going to worry today but instead trust God to take care of my concerns. Today is a good day. I am sipping on some regular ole dark roast with cream, but it's getting the blood pumping this morning so I wont complain. I hope this day finds you all blessed and ready to face anything that may come your way without worry, and confidence in a God that cares for all of our concerns. God Bless! Kenna
New year...New begining..............
Good morning Randall,I learned a time back that to worry about what you cant fix only gets you in a heck of a mess.It makes you eat,ruins your health and makes a couch potato cause you get so darned depressed you cant do anything so you know what i do,if something comes up that sould bother me I say Lord Im putting this in your hands for I acnt handle this,you know what?? He takes it right over and I have NO Worries!!Praise the Lord..Im Happy!! Love you!! Juju