daily devotion
Love You all
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.
Psalm 127:1
God delights in our seeking and searching to know Him more. He desires to take us a step deeper into His heart. Day by day we watch as He reveals more of Himself. Some days it seems dynamic, but more often, it is in the midst of the simple and menial tasks of our day, that we begin to see and understand who He is, where He is taking us, and who we are becoming in the process. The only thing that can stop the progress is we ourselves, by refusing to walk in the direction He is leading. We have to completely trust the path He has chosen is perfect, and allow His desire for our lives to become what we desire.
I choose to walk the path You have chosen for me. Help me to remain focused on You and what I am becoming as You skillfully make each necessary change within my heart. Unless You build it, it is all in vain. Amen.