25 Steps to a Healthier You
1. Follow a balanced exercise program. A brisk 30-minute walk while enjoying the sunset will burn 1,500 calories per week -- that's 78,000 calories a year! Cardio is great for your heart and lungs, but add a couple sessions of weight training to tone or build muscle.
2. Schedule family fitness time. Play basketball, chase a Frisbee, or hike the hills together. You'll be getting closer to each other as you shape up.
3. Invest in a jump rope. It's a great workout anytime. Set a goal of skipping rope for ten minutes per day and watch those love handles melt away.
4. Get a training partner. Knowing that someone is waiting is great motivation to get on with it. You'll also have a ready-made spotter.
5. Exercise in water to relieve stress on the joints and back. Check out the aerobics programs at your local pool and go aqua -- the wave of the future.
6. Get active at work. Walk around outside on your breaks. When in front of a computer, sit up and pull in your abs.
7. Eat more frequent, smaller meals. It is better to eat six small meals a day than three large meals. The smaller the meal, the less your stomach will stretch.
8. Hydrate with water. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. This does not include coffee, soda, or fruit-flavored drinks, which have extra calories.
9. Don't pollute your body. Avoid tobacco, excess alcohol, and illegal drugs. These are bad for health and can also inhibit weight loss.
10. Always eat a good breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a method of dieting for many people. But studies have found that people who eat breakfast are actually less likely to be obese.
11. Start cooking healthy. Stop frying your food and opt for roasting or grilling instead. Frying only adds unnecessary calories to food.
12. Enjoy every morsel of food. When eating, chew food slowly. Reli**** and pay attention to flavors and taste. The longer you chew, the fuller you'll feel!
13. Be an early riser. Start your day early. Rising with the sun helps reset your body's clock. This builds better sleep patterns so you're energized all day.
14. Be sun smart. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Sun exposure increases your risk, so when you're in the heat of it, either cover up or slip, slap, slop on a high SPF sunscreen!
15. Stay emotionally in shape. Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. Don't ignore what's going on in your heart and mind. It is healthy to acknowledge your emotions.
16. Keep your teeth healthy. A common cause of tooth loss after age 35 is gum disease. Keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of plaque by brushing and flossing every day.
17. Eat five or more servings of fruits and veggies per day. Keep fruits and vegetables on the front shelves of your refrigerator so they are easy to get to when you reach for a snack!
18. De-stress your life. Stress can cause or aggravate many health conditions. So, don't sweat the small stuff!
19. Know thyself. Knowing your family's health history can help you stay healthy. Many diseases are hereditary and preventable with early screening.
20. Look after your mental health. Depression is a serious illness that needs to be treated. It's not your fault, so you shouldn't be afraid to talk to a doctor for help.
21. Get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep causes stress on the body. It increases cortisol and insulin, promoting fat storage and making weight loss difficult.
22. Ladies, perform regular breast examinations. The best time to perform a breast self-examination is the week after your menstrual period, when breast tissue is less tender and swollen.
23. Take a nap. Many have commended the benefits of a good 30- to 45-minute nap a day to keep refreshed and lower stress. Try it -- it doesn't mean you've passed your use-by date!
24. Open your lungs. Sing your heart out! It doesn't matter what you sound like! In the shower, in the car, or wherever you are, sing out loud. It's a great stress reliever.
25. Take time to enjoy your life. While it's important to do a good job and take care of responsibilities, life is also meant to be enjoyed. Loosen up! Laugh at yourself, and play as hard as you work!