Tannehill AGAIN!
Thanks. Love ya!
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
The housekeeper quit of her own accord, since she was "tired of being accused of theft." We did not accuse her, we simply said that stuff had disappeared since the time that she was the only one with the key. She also let Dad know that she didn't even like dolls....I cannot figure out what that has to do with stealing them and selling them.
Things should be locked down her soon. I have all the dolls boxed up and they will be safely stored elsewhere. Some of them need to be repaired. The ones that have their arms held on by elastic have gotten a little loose over the years.
I don't know if she took them or not, but is does still look like she did to me.
I hope you can find a new housekeeper for your Dad that you can trust. It's so hard to find good help these days.
Good for you getting your flu shot early this year. Wish I had mine already. I sure think I'm gonna need it. Kyle wishes he'd already had his too, since he's been feeling so poorly these last several days.
When will you be returning home? Let me know! Will you be here Saturday and do you want to go to PF Changs??