daily devotion
today's daily devotion
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
Proverbs 22:10
It is hard to honestly judge ourselves and our motives. We have all witnessed those who criticize, finding fault with everyone around them; yet unwilling to roll up their own sleeves and do something to create a difference. Surely we are not among those.... or are we? Are we guilty of holding back the best we have to offer, getting by with only what is necessary and complaining about others who are at least trying? Are we busy lighting candles or are we cursing the darkness?
Father, forgive me for being a source of contention instead of a light in the darkness. I open my heart before You and ask you to evaluate it. Help me to take an honest look at my motives and actions and ask myself sincerely, do they align with Your character and Your word? Create in me a clean heart pleasing to You, Amen.