Is there a problem?
Thank you! Nice to meet you! You already did Ms.Guerrero......lmfbo I knew who she was because my family and I watch wrestling.I guess it looks like I am the fool here.Doesn't sound like anybody has talked about me it appears to be just me thinking that.I do appologize everyone for being the fool. Thanks for replying.Have a Blessed Day!
With God's Great Love,
Take care and be good. Love, Miss Mary
Don't get your feelings hurt over not getting responses, people are just busy these days. If you really need a response or you want a response from a particular person, just private message them and tell them you want to know what they think. They may not have responded because the headline didn't catch their attention. There are millions of reasons people don't respond, and at least 99.99999 per cent of the time, it is nothing personal about you. Believe me, this bunch is not that reticent to share, if you have irritated them or they are unhappy with you, you will get private messages telling you what has upset them. So if you are not getting heated messages telling you what they are upset about, it is definitely not personal and you are not being shunned.
Thanks for the reply back.It appears everybody feels that way so it is just me.Well I am glad to hear it.Being overweight get you thinking that because your fat everybody looks at you different and that is the way I felt because I haven't had the surgery yet.But now that everybody has pretty much cleared up this craziness we can move on! Have a blessed day!
With God's Great Love,