What are you plans for TODAY?
Lower Body Lift and Breast Lift
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."
.Hug is a rescued Rottweiler. She was abused by pouring hot oil on her back. She had puppies which have never been found. She was less than a year old with puppies, burned, heart worms, and weighed only 35 pounds. She has almost no visible scars today, weighs 105 pounds, is very healthy and is a very loving dog. She went through bedwetting, nigth terrors, and some other serious emotional problems when I got her. Today she is seen by almost everyone as a happy, well adjusted dog. The vet says she is "highly socialized."
She loves babies. She is especially fond of Christian and Jamison. Both of them she scents them by licking their feet. However, she is also very sensitive to physical illness and acts strangely when both children and adults are ill. She is very sensitive.