1 Week Out....I feel the same
It takes a while for your mind to catch up. Clothes will look too small. You will allow yourself too muich room on the pew at church. You will start to "squeeze" past something to discover that there is 6 inches on either side of you. But in your head, you won't realize it for a long time.
No, most likely you won't SEE the difference for a while. Others will see it and comment on it. Others will treat you differently, and you won't know why. You may even get smarter, but other people's standards. But don't worry, we have all been there before you and we are here with you now, while your head gets wrapped around the concept of your new body that is coming slowly. You will most likely be the last to know.
I am so excited for you. You are on a real journey. Sit back and hold on to your hat.
From that point on the journey will be from one plateau to the next i.e. losing and not losing for a few days. Just keep with the program and keep doing as your doctor says. It is not important how much you lose today, it how much you lose this week or this month. If you keep with the program you will see a difference in the mirror even if your brain cannot accept it.
Another thing your friends will probably notice before you do is that you need a new wardrobe, one that doesn't fall off of you. One of the fortunate/unfortunate things about the journey you are now in is lots of new or different clothes. Many on the board have clothes that will fit you as you shrink so let those needs be known. However, as a man, I doubt I have clothes you would want but just in case I'm here for you.