Elle has called several people, but I have not heard who will or will not be at Barnes and Noble at 5PM to 8 PM tonight. I will be there at or close to 5 PM....traffic sometimes is hectic from my house and creates delays. If you plan to meet us tonight, please sign in so we will know if it is a go or not.
Dang it! You can maybe join us on November 6th at the Paneria in the same mall, just a little further north or south...depending on which way you are coming into town. We will look forward to seeing you. We don't tend to get there until about 5:30 or a little after.
As usual with the Tusca'losers, it is an open invitation to all of you who want to join us. The more the merrier. We remember when there were as many as 20-30 of us together and would love to see that kind of socializing again.
We all talked about how much we needed to talk to real people and cultivate new friendships, as well as, renew the old friends that we are missing so much. Hope more of you will put us on your calendar.
We are just a social group, not an official support group. We just sit, drink coffee, and talk about everything and probably do nothing that is good for the world...heeheehee. We are just totally relaxed, carefree, and fun loving for an hour or two over coffee.