Sonday Coffee Talk

Carmen G.
on 9/27/08 10:13 pm - Lincoln, AL

Randall asked me to do "Coffee Talk" this week.  I will do my best, but please bear with me.   I slept last night.  Hit the hay and I was gone.

The challenge  is to find something good in everyone you come in contact with today.  There is something good in all of us.  I promise you will be a lot happier and feel more at peace if you can find something good about a person.   We all received criticism as obese people and know the pain and humiliation that caused.  Instead of throwng out negativities against us, maybe those people should have gotten to  know who we really were - the person they were hurting so badly.  It is easy to love somene who is nice to us and treats us well.  The challenge is to love someone who does not.  Just remember, God loved us when we were unloveable.

You all have a great Sunday and remember those who are traveling today.  I am having some wonderful, (well it's coffee anyway) hotel coffee.  We are heading outta here in a bit.  Gotta get up and get ready. 

on 9/27/08 10:33 pm - Daphne, AL
Good morning one and all.  I am glad to see someone doing coffee talk (and just as glad to see that Randall isn't the one...he's spending time with his new bride and doesn't need to be thinking about

I always try to treat people the way I want to be treated.  It has become a challenge for me now that I am so much thinner not to judge.  When I see someone who is morbidly obese as I was, I want so much to ask them if they have considered WLS.  There could be many reasons why they haven't...perhaps they just can't afford it.  It changed my life just as I know it would theirs.  But I know that is rude and would be an intrusion so I keep it to myself.  But why do I feel that way?  I need to harness that energy into acceptance just as I wanted acceptance when I was heavier.  Thanks for the challenge, I will certianly be working on it today.  I am working at a booth at our local Arts & Crafts festival and will encounter all types of people all day. 

I'm sippin on my usual double shot of Cafe Bustello and waking up slowly this SONday moring.  I hope everyone has a blessed day!

coffee-4.jpg picture by mike2121_02




on 9/27/08 10:44 pm - AL
That is a good challenge!  It is so hard to pray for those you know are doing their best to hurt you or your children, but look what God did for His child.  He sent Him to die on the cross so that we could ask for forgiveness for our sins and pray for those who trespass against us. 

I'll see you in a bit.  Gonna start packing!
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".  
Erma Bombeck
Julie C.
on 9/27/08 10:47 pm - Gulf Shores, AL
Awesome challenge today Momma! You are so right ..I try to think everyone is good they certainly deserve a chance because I know I didn't but HE loved me anyway! His love and grace are so wonderful it just spreads!! How awesome to be a part of that! Praying for safe travels! I love you

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

Elle Felts
on 9/27/08 11:12 pm - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Thank you for this challenge Carmen.  You are so right.  We may never know what goes on in the minds of people that are hurting us or the mental status they may be in.  I also believe in making amends.  Someone must make the first step.  I love everyone and forgive too.  I personally have  a real hard time with grudges and always have and I'm really working HARD on that.  When I am hurt, IT HURTS.  I am easy to forgive, but find it so hard to FORGET.  It's something I work on daily.  I have been thru A LOT of HURT in my entire life and God is really working with me on this.  I pray daily for his infinite wisdom and strength.  God is a good and mighty God and I give him ALL the glory, honor and praise today.  Without Him, I am nothing.  He IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR!  I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philipians 4:13.

Have a blessed day my friend and safe travels back home.

Love to you all,

Julie C.
on 9/27/08 11:34 pm - Gulf Shores, AL
Loretta! Your words today have touched me so! What inspirational words..he is working working even when we don't know it he is always there! I am praying for you! HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE MIGHTY TO SAVE!!

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

Elle Felts
on 9/27/08 11:42 pm - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Thank you Julie and you too, have touched me this morning.  Thanks for sharing the INVITATION.  You never know WHO'S reading and needs to know the Lord.  May someone be blessed by your words today.
Louise A.
on 9/27/08 11:58 pm - Anniston, AL
Thanks Elle. I really can use that this morning. I have to been hurt a lot by family and friends. Like you posted the other day as christians the first step is to make amends to the ones  that we have hurt. I have had to do it on occasion as I listened to a lot of garbage that was false. I did make my amends and telll these people that I was sorry and was forgiven by them.
Time for my beauty nap been up since 5:30. To early for me. Have a great day.
*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 9/27/08 11:13 pm - East Burbs, MN
Morning Carmen ~

Been enjoying my morning full of wedding pics and drinking coffee..  Awesome display!!  Just about to get some breakfast then in the shower to head to church..

Have a wonderfully blessed day!!



Michele Luv
on 9/28/08 6:08 am - Birmingham, AL

Great Challenge!! I had a FABULOUS weekend ..I was truely BLESSED getting to spend time with  YOU and Mr John this weekend. I WILL see you very soon!!
I Love YOU!!

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