A wedding day HUG!!
I do hope Mr. Trawick is alright. We've been praying for him. OF COURSE I WANT TO SEE YOU! You're my BESTEST FRIEND! Kyle of course will be glad to get the preserves, but he can't wait till you come back for a visit with us too. We MUST plan another visit. We still need to have that SLEEP OVER! (without Kyle of course....we'll send him to his room. hee hee)
Morning Momma!
I am soooooooo excited!!
What a beautiful blessed day the Lord has made!
We're going to the chapel and they're gonna get married....yeah I'm singing this morning!!
Praying for wonderful blessings to be poured out today!
God is a Mighty Wonderful Gracious Father and Oh how he loves us!!
See you soon for that HUG!!
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06
I will see you all soon....
I have to excort the east Alabama gand so we are gonna meet at Starbucks
on the bypass at 1:30 and then head south...
If they are not there by 2:00 I am leaving their butts! (There's your warning Dixie and gang...
I got lots of hugs to pass out since I haven't seen everyone since this time last year...
Got my kleenex (thanks Kim), got my camera, my gifts, my laptop and my SMILE!!!!!!