Kindergarterner brings drugs to school in Ozark

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/08 9:22 am - Midland City, AL
Kindergartener brings drugs to school in Ozark

In this article a 5 year old brought a bag of marijuana to school in his bag. A teacher found it and called the SRO.  The parents were arrested for child endangerment and other charges and the little child was placed in custody of DHR and then released to a family member.  The parents are under $10,000 bonds.

Thi**** home with with me because I realize how impressionable my grandkids are. What if this had been one of them and they had been influenced by an older child and did not know what the stuff was?????
Carmen G.
on 9/24/08 9:30 am - Lincoln, AL
Wow Gwen...this is sad.  I was just telling John that we are seeing more and more younger JU Delinquents in our office.  It is so so sad that this is happening.  
Louise A.
on 9/24/08 10:59 am - Anniston, AL
Did you remember at end of school last year that 9 third graders got together and was going to stab the teacher in Waycross, Ga. They took knives, duct tape, and stuff to cover the window. When the little heathens got arrested they said they were going to throw pies at the teacher. it turns out that the teacher had punished the ringleader and she was going to get even.
As it turns out the ringleader influenced the others to help her.
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/08 11:04 am - Midland City, AL
When we were in school we KNEW we had best behave or our little tails would get torn up by the principal and when we got home we would get another butt whipping.  Today a teacher can NOT paddle a child and a parent can not discipline a child on school property as it can be deemed child abuse.  No flipping wonder kids are mean as rip.

Some, not all, parents are not teaching their kids properly at home these days. 

What is this world coming to?
Louise A.
on 9/24/08 11:14 am - Anniston, AL
I was reading the other day in the paper about a teacher grabbed a child by the arm and told them to shut up and sit down. From what I was reading the child back talked the teacher and then the parents wanted to go to the school board and have the teacher repriminded. It is getting bad when a student can talk and do what they want at school and the parents take up for the student. When I was in school I was to scared to talk back. We as parents need to take back responibility for our childrens actions and if the teacher paddles their butts we need to paddle their little behinds when they get home. I really don't believe that a teacher would ever abuse the students. But parents are to quick to believe their little darlins.
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/08 11:23 am - Midland City, AL
When I was in the 6th grade I had a teacher pinch my arm and leave a 1/2 dollar size bruise because I answered a question incorrectly.  My daddy was furious.  He informed her there were other ways to handle it rather than bruising when I had done nothing wrong.  That is different from a child talking back to a teacher and needing discipline.

I have a grandchild (as you know ) that can't be quiet in school and he is in the 3rd grade.  He is a good child but he likes to talk.  I think after this morning he will be quiet.
Donna H.
on 9/25/08 2:24 am
the principal and teachers still paddle at my kids school (small school in Franklin county, AL).....but you are right, if i were a teacher I would be scared of being sued!  I remember when I was little being so afraid NOT to walk the chaulk line! LOL...I was scared to death to get a paddling!  And there are some parents who think their kids do no wrong....there is a set of twins at our kids school....they are in 6th grade now....gosh...they have been bullies and tyrants in the past.....including bullying my 12 yr old son last year...they brought Marijuana to school and hid it in the boys bathroom last year!  and they created a gang....and they wore "diamond" earrings in their ears.......they ended up going to alternative school or something and can not wear their earrings anymore....anyway...their mother and stepfather did NOTHING about it....and told them they didnt have to listen to anything the princpal or teacher said....NIGHTMARE!  otherwise our school is small, and no problems whatsoever....but it doesnt take but one kid to start bullying and problems.
on 9/24/08 12:04 pm - Alabaster, AL
My kids school have strict NO DRUGS, NO ALCOHOL, NO SMART MOUTH, rules.  In fact, I have given the teacher full authority to spank or use whatever form of disciple is necessary, loving, and effective. And so far, this homeschooling thing is working for us.




 Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.

Miss Mary
on 9/24/08 1:59 pm - Huntsville, AL
Children are so much more violent today than they were just 10 years ago. They slap, hit, kick, punch and see nothing wrong with it. It is so common now thay that is how they greet each other. Once it was with a hi now it's with a hard punch in the arm. There is no repercusions for any wrong they do at school. The schools are so scared of being sued they won't or can't do anything. Most children have no manners at all. Never a please or thank you. When given something it's like they are owed. Driving the school bus I see the worst of the worst but I also see the best of the best . So I stil have hope for this generation. I carried 48 third grade students of a field trip today and I can say they were the loudest children I have ever hauled. The teachers could not get them to quiten down. I talked to one of the teachers about it(she has been teaching 25 years)She said the children know they can't do anything to them and our principle is the type when report something to her she says I'll look into it. And we never here anything else about it.Wel, I'm geting of my soapbox. Love, Miss Mary 
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/08 7:40 pm - Midland City, AL

Aunt Mary, THAT is what I am talking about.  They KNOW they can get away with it. 

Now my grandson is not a bad child but he likes to flap his gums just like his Mama did when she first went to school.  Bob gave the teacher permission to paddle her little patootie and that stopped her whispering and talking in class.  Mr Jordan is a different story.  After his Mama got the third call she went to the school.  She told the teacher to paddle his little bottom to make him be quiet. She was told NO, that was CHILD ABUSE.  HUHH????  Kecia said that she would do it herself if they would bring him out of class.  She was told absolutely not on school property and if she did she would be arrested.  So she signed him out and took him across the road for a spanking.  That lasted 2 years.

Now we are 3rd grade and the talking has started again.  The same school has informed them that NO the school can not paddle Jordan and if they (parents) do it on school property or within sight of the school they will be arrested for child abuse.  THIS is one of the reasons why kids are getting mean. They can holler those 2 magic words. 

Now what about the really mean kids?  I was simply talking about a little kid with a motor mouth.  Aunt Mary I would not have your job for all the tea in China.  My hat is off to you

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