Memories of DONNA TAYLOR
Let us all wipe the tears and put on a smile for Donna and share some photos and memories. After all, laughter is the best medicine. I remember the phone conversations with Donna and her laughter. I especially remember her saying OHH SHOOT and then burst into laughter.
Donna dared me to use this as her avatar
The Donna we all know and loved

Oh Gwen this is so precious!!!! I have some of her and her and Tim at home. However, I don't know if I can get them on here. I am dumb with that kind of stuff.
You know...when Randall's house burned, Donna was the first to call me and meet me with a car load of items for Randall. She even called a friend of hers and the woman had bought a new t.v. and she donated it because Donna had told her how much Randall's children would enjoy it. Donna had a huge heart. She would call me and talk to me and always apologize for "bothering" me. She would get so excited when we talked about the Lord. She loved God and she showed that each day of her life. I only wish I was 1/2 the Christian that she was.
And as I have said before, when she hugged me (and I love my hugs), it was a HUG. It was not a limp half hug. It was an I love you Hug like only Donna could give. Gwen, I appreciate you calling this morning and I am so sorry that I could not talk longer. I have had calls all day and I appreciate and love each and every one of you. It has helped me so much get through this day. This would thrill Donna to no end to see how much she was loved.
(If I can figure out how to put pictures on here, I will get them up tonight).
You know...when Randall's house burned, Donna was the first to call me and meet me with a car load of items for Randall. She even called a friend of hers and the woman had bought a new t.v. and she donated it because Donna had told her how much Randall's children would enjoy it. Donna had a huge heart. She would call me and talk to me and always apologize for "bothering" me. She would get so excited when we talked about the Lord. She loved God and she showed that each day of her life. I only wish I was 1/2 the Christian that she was.
And as I have said before, when she hugged me (and I love my hugs), it was a HUG. It was not a limp half hug. It was an I love you Hug like only Donna could give. Gwen, I appreciate you calling this morning and I am so sorry that I could not talk longer. I have had calls all day and I appreciate and love each and every one of you. It has helped me so much get through this day. This would thrill Donna to no end to see how much she was loved.
(If I can figure out how to put pictures on here, I will get them up tonight).
If someone can find it, a picture was taken of me & Donna at Karla's Halloween party. I am searching for it. That was MY DONNA! I love her so much!
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
Charlotte, Donna had the innocence of a child and the wisdom of the aged all rolled into one. I had my remicade infusion on Wednesday and was talking to Donna while the nurse was trying to start my IV. Normally it takes her a while as my veins are collapsing. Donna just began praying for Sarah to hit a vein the first stick. Low and behold if she didn't do it! We talked about an hour to help me pass the time. We talked again later in the day.
Donna could make me laugh when things seemed impossible. She always wanted to hear about my grandchildren. Donna Taylor was the woman you would have wanted when you needed a friend to confide in.
Donna could make me laugh when things seemed impossible. She always wanted to hear about my grandchildren. Donna Taylor was the woman you would have wanted when you needed a friend to confide in.
OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op