Auburn/Alabama joke
I'm going to risk having just everybody mad at me
Alabama first
An Alabama student spent a holiday in New Mexico with the Indians who told him the Legend of the Maidens. According to this legend, there are beautiful Indian maidens who live in large caves and crevices. They said "If you hear them call, :Woo, woo." take off your clothes quickly and enter the cave. They will show you a fabulous time."
Several days later, the headlines in the local paper read, "Body of Naked Alabama Student Found in Tunnel, Run Over by Train."
Auburn second
Two Auburn Tigers who were members of the highway patrol caught a motorist speeding on the outskirts of Citronelle. One of the Tigers started to make out the ticket and asked the other, "How do you spell Citronelle?"
"Gosh, I don't know," the other Tiger replied.
"Let's let him go and catch up with him in Mobile."
Now just in case I didn't offend enough people today I'll do a blond joke also.
A motorist passing thru town had to stop for a funeral procession.
"Who died?" the man asked
"I can't say for sure," answered a blond standing nearby, "but I think it's the one in the hearse."
Alabama first
An Alabama student spent a holiday in New Mexico with the Indians who told him the Legend of the Maidens. According to this legend, there are beautiful Indian maidens who live in large caves and crevices. They said "If you hear them call, :Woo, woo." take off your clothes quickly and enter the cave. They will show you a fabulous time."
Several days later, the headlines in the local paper read, "Body of Naked Alabama Student Found in Tunnel, Run Over by Train."
Auburn second
Two Auburn Tigers who were members of the highway patrol caught a motorist speeding on the outskirts of Citronelle. One of the Tigers started to make out the ticket and asked the other, "How do you spell Citronelle?"
"Gosh, I don't know," the other Tiger replied.
"Let's let him go and catch up with him in Mobile."
Now just in case I didn't offend enough people today I'll do a blond joke also.
A motorist passing thru town had to stop for a funeral procession.
"Who died?" the man asked
"I can't say for sure," answered a blond standing nearby, "but I think it's the one in the hearse."
That's okay Miss Mary. I will be your friend. I am not an Alabama or Auburn fan as such. Either one is okay with me. And I am not a blonde. Since you did not make a fat joke I am still okay with you!!!! I think with this post you narrowed your friend list by a great margin!!
Not really. True friends stick it out no matter what.
Not really. True friends stick it out no matter what.
Aunt Mary, I don't know how anyone could be mad at you! YOU are just PRECIOUS and I know some 4 legged babies that think so too! It was so good seeing you and getting that good ole hug that only Aunt Mary can give! I'm sitting here sipping on some "Simply Seductive" coffee!
I need to mail you a sample! It is sooooo good!
I Love You,

I Love You,