My new Melitta Coffee Maker is SO COOL!
For the first time in my life I have made fresh ground coffee. It's awesome. I got some Brazilian coffee beans at the store where I got my coffee pot from my niece. It has up to date weather current and 3 day forecast, by FM satellite. This is the coolest machine ever. Took me a little bit to figure out,but it's really easy once you get the hang of it. Now I just gotta train Kyle before heading out of town. LOL Just had to brag on my new find. I love it. It's so

Don't cha just love the fresh ground? I was able to grind my own yesterday. I have to tell you, Lucy's sister gave us a DUAL coffee maker last night. 2 COFFEE MAKERS IN ONE! LOL I laughed so hard. We can make 2 different coffies at the same time. His and her's! HAHAHAHHAA
Love ya my friend!
Love ya my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"