
My new Melitta Coffee Maker is SO COOL!

Elle Felts
on 9/17/08 12:29 pm - TUSCALOOSA, AL
For the first time in my life I have made fresh ground coffee.  It's awesome.  I got some Brazilian coffee beans at the store where I got my coffee pot from my  niece.  It has up to date weather current and 3 day  forecast, by FM satellite.  This is the coolest machine ever.  Took me a little bit to figure out,but it's really easy once you get the hang of it.  Now I just gotta train Kyle before heading out of town.  LOL  Just had to brag on my new find.  I love it.  It's so
Louise A.
on 9/17/08 12:43 pm - Anniston, AL
I have a friend who has one and they love it. She said she like it better than the cuisnart that had just died on her that she paid mega bucks for. Being as I don't drink coffee I never pay any attention to coffee makers.
Elle Felts
on 9/17/08 9:16 pm - TUSCALOOSA, AL
This one is WAY better than Cuisinart.  I'm just amazed by this machine.  I just taught Kyle how to use it.  The coffee is so smooth and delicious.
on 9/17/08 12:57 pm - AL
I have a grinder and an espresso machine but it doesnt give a weather report.
 grandmommy.png picture by oladyntheshu

Randall Culpepper
on 9/17/08 10:10 pm - Guntersville, AL
Don't cha just love the fresh ground?  I was able to grind my own yesterday.  I have to tell you, Lucy's sister gave us a DUAL coffee maker last night.  2 COFFEE MAKERS IN ONE!  LOL  I laughed so hard.  We can make 2 different coffies at the same time.  His and her's!  HAHAHAHHAA 

Love ya my friend! 

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

on 9/17/08 10:52 pm - AL
OMG!  You tell Lucy's sister that your sister needs one of those!!!