You just Amaze me Secret Pal !!
Gosh I can't hardly find the right words to say THANK YOU for the box!! I will use the step Pedometer ,Journal, Biotin Shampoo,and the small bowls and spoons to eat from. I will measure my self with the tape, make myself laugh with the joke book !! Vitamin E oil for my scars Gosh you thought of everything !! The bracelet I love and will wear with my kini to the beach
And until I find my feet my daughter will paint dem toes with my polish ,plus a box to keep it all in !! I Loved the letter explaining what everything was for my DD and I both cried as we read
You are the sweetest of them all. I hope my note finds you well and you have a wonderful week & weekend. I can't wait to find out who you are

Debbie is at it again.
Taking credit for my secret pal gifts!!!
Just because I have lurked lately
andnot been as active on the board.
I bet you thought I wouldn't see it Debbie!!!
But I love you anyway!
I'm glad you liked it Vickie...because you will need it all as soon as that bad
starts behaving!!!!!

I'm glad you liked it Vickie...because you will need it all as soon as that bad

We missed you and Jimmy at the meeting Tuesday night. I was just Sandy, Lee, and Richard and I there. I think that will probably be my last meeting for a while. We can try to have some informal meetings sometimes, just to talk and support one another. The official one just doesn't seem to be working. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons, with gas prices being one of them, but I have a lot going on and trying to get ready to have a decent meeting with an agenda takes time that I just don't have if no one can be there. We will see how it goes. I will probably make an officil announcement in a few days...who knows...maybe I will try for a little while longer. I'm gonna pray on it!!
Love you and I am so glad you have a sense of humor!!!!