I need your prayers
From one Military wife to another....I sooooo understand the depression. I knowthe WLS stuggles, I know the family struggles & I know the Military struggles. I am here to tell you....YOU CAN DO THIS! I didn't think I could handle this deployment, then I got sick right after he left, then after almost a year, I finally had this surgery. It took an act of God & the Red Cross seemed to be trying to sabotage us, but we did get Mike home for the surgery & an extension after all the things that went wrong after the surgery. When he left, I was and am still so very weak & I thought I can't do this. I have done it & I am getting stronger each day. The point is sweetie, we are so much stronger than we think. We do not give ourselves credit.
Please hang in there & remember how strong you were when your GI Joe was deployed (I am not sure, but I am assuming he is home). In my eyes, if we can make it through deployments...we can make it through ANYTHING!
Hold that head up high, dig deep & bring out that stubborness that I know is there & show whatever is ailing you just who's boss!
Your Colorado (for now!) friend
From one Military wife to another....I sooooo understand the depression. I knowthe WLS stuggles, I know the family struggles & I know the Military struggles. I am here to tell you....YOU CAN DO THIS! I didn't think I could handle this deployment, then I got sick right after he left, then after almost a year, I finally had this surgery. It took an act of God & the Red Cross seemed to be trying to sabotage us, but we did get Mike home for the surgery & an extension after all the things that went wrong after the surgery. When he left, I was and am still so very weak & I thought I can't do this. I have done it & I am getting stronger each day. The point is sweetie, we are so much stronger than we think. We do not give ourselves credit.
Please hang in there & remember how strong you were when your GI Joe was deployed (I am not sure, but I am assuming he is home). In my eyes, if we can make it through deployments...we can make it through ANYTHING!
Hold that head up high, dig deep & bring out that stubborness that I know is there & show whatever is ailing you just who's boss!
Your Colorado (for now!) friend
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
Hi Vanessa, I am just coming out of a depression. I am almost 4 years post op and went from 275 to 180. I was on anti depressants years before I had surgery. Since my bypass, I have had to increase my dosage of effexor from 75 to 300. About five months ago. I hit the wall. I couldnt figure out what to do. I didnt want to get out of bed. I went to the doctor several times and finally had some resolve. At the first the Dr. told me that I would have to go off my anti depressants and I fell apart at the thought of that. He realized that I was a wreck. (I have been very happy for years with no problems, even when I had problems.) I was able to cope. He put me on wellbutrin and I was able to get back on my feet. I feel better. Depression is an embalance and as many disney movies I watched.I would just cry. See your physician. If he tells you to suck it up, find another. Our bodies are different and you need the help. Its not your fault. huggs to ya, Stacy