Walk from Obesity - Pensacola (Oct 4)
We need more walkers on our team! Our team is called the Weigh Downers (Baldwin County Support Group).
How about some of you from Mobile joining us for the walk. I also know there are some lurkers from Baldwin County out there that we'd love to have join us. It would be a great time to get to know each other and hopefully it will be cooler outside (or at least not as hot/humid). Pensacola's not that far of a drive. We can meet up and carpool over if we need to. Think about it at least. I don't know if I will make the whole three miles but I'm gonna do my best.
We are really looking forward to walking for this cause. If you need more information contact me, Cynthia C or Julie C. or just go to walkfromobesity.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp and join our team.