Wednesday Coffee Talk

Randall Culpepper
on 9/2/08 6:27 pm - Guntersville, AL
WOW!  It's hump day already.  Downhill from here towards the weekend.  I hope you slept good.  I sure did.  Like a ROC****il 3 a.m. that is.  LOL  Guess I went to sleep too early last night and my 5 hours wouldn't let me sleep any longer.  LOL 

Our challenge today is to learn and practice responsibility.  We all know that as we grow, as we mature, as we are trusted in certain positions, and as we make a family, along comes responsibility.  How do you handle your responsibilities?  Do you deal with them or do you just let them cower you down.  As adults, we need to let those around us see good positive responses to our responsibilities.  Finances, family issues, jobs, parenting, public positions in schools and cities........the list of responsibilities grows much longer.  Let's be responsible in ANY position or situation that is before us.  As we do, integrity and trust are earned.  I dare ya.  Be responsible!

So, who's up?  What cha sipping on ?  Me?  I'm enjoying some more of that Kauia, Hawaii coffee.  SURE is good too!  Would love to share a cup with you. 

Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful RESPONSIBLE Wednesday!  I am off to write a 600 word essay for one of my classes.  Love you all!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

(deactivated member)
on 9/2/08 7:35 pm - Daleville, AL

Good Morning,

I've been up most of the night.  I just have a lot on my mind....those responsibilities that you made reference to.  Seems the older I get the less sleep I seem to need and the less I get.  In my 20's I could stay up all night long, work all day, stay up some more and then sleep like a rock.  In my thirties I learned to go to be early in order to work and be a wife and a mom.  In my forties well I go to bed by 9:30 and in general I am up at 3:00 a.m. and wake with the slightest sound.  I continue to be amazed by the effects of time.
Wishing you well on that essay!
Be Blessed,


happy girl
on 9/2/08 8:00 pm - Pensacola, FL
Helloooo Lisa!!!!  My MIND is on those responsibilities as well!  I just wished I could get my act together & speak ONLY the words I DESIRE to speak ~ Do you know what I mean???  Work is OVERwhelming me right now!!!!


(deactivated member)
on 9/2/08 8:08 pm - Daleville, AL
BELIEVE ME.............

I know EXACTLY what you mean....I Pray Lord keep one hand around my shoulder and the other one over my!

You lift me in prayer and know that I am LIFTING you in Prayer!

happy girl
on 9/2/08 8:26 pm - Pensacola, FL
Thank YOU!!!!  I will do! 


Vanessa @Nebraska
on 9/2/08 8:12 pm - NE
Good Morning Sunshine...
 If I could speak only what I desire everything would be great ...But my mouth is faster than my mind
Hope you have a great day

Faith is not believing that God can It is knowing that God will.
Hugs from Nebraska

happy girl
on 9/2/08 8:03 pm - Pensacola, FL
Helloooo Randall!!!!
One of these days you will share a cup of Java with me n' Tim!  And whoever else who may wanna join!!!


(deactivated member)
on 9/2/08 8:34 pm - Midland City, AL
Jackie, most days he needs his elbows on my shoulders and BOTH hands over my mouth   Not long before we can have a  of coffee together.  I am heading to Eufaula this morning and thought how nice it would have been if you were there but you will be there soon  
happy girl
on 9/2/08 8:55 pm - Pensacola, FL
Lord willin' I will be there.


Vanessa @Nebraska
on 9/2/08 8:09 pm - NE
Good Morning...
 Wow, responsibility.. I got too many of those at this moment. Having MIke in South Carolina, just moving from another country, my kids in a new scholl, both on the Football team. Sometimes I feel like a single mom. But I'm happy, I don't have too much time for myself ( just like now when I weke up at 5 am) I'm Super MOm lol

Im, happy to be back at the board.
 Having some Puerto Rican coffee with hazelnut cream (sf)

Faith is not believing that God can It is knowing that God will.
Hugs from Nebraska

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