perspnal avatar???">>
You may send the unedited photo in jpg, bmp or gif format to
[email protected] along with your username and e-mail address associated with your profile and we will add it for you. If you would like to add it yourself you can follow the easy instructions listed below.
An avatar can be added from two individual places. The messageboard and your profile. Below are instructions for adding from both.
Edit a photo to 100x100 pixels and under 20k in memory size.
You can add an avatar from the messageboard by going to User Settings (you will find user settings on the left side of the screen above the ads). Once you save it please hold the CTRL key as you click REFRESH (not F5) on the screen to view your changes.
Your avatar can be added by clicking on CUSTOMIZE PROFILE under your profile name on the top left corner of your profile. When that control panel opens you will select the first section "PROFILE" and click on the third option "Change My Avatar". Click on the "browse" button. You can search your computer for the desired photo. Double Click on the photo to place it on the linking line. Click okay. Now click upload. Your photo should now display. You may need to refresh your profile page to see the new image.