Thursday Coffee Talk
Our challenge today is to not let the stress of life get you down or beat you up. Lucy and I have both been under some stress with the wedding, her move, her job, and making sure Torey and Allison are in school and other things. I am sure you have your issues that cause stress as well. We can not let these things get to us. Stress will make you sick, take your joy, and take your mind off of what is important. Focus, breathe, and let the stress go! We have to!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? NOTHING!! NADA!! ZILCH!! I can't have anything until around noon. You KNOW when I am able though, that I will be heading to the NEAREST Coffee shop!! Starbuck's or Village coffee one will kNOW I have been there!
I'm excited that I get to meet some wonderful board friends that I haven't seen in a while today also. Ya'll have a blessed day and know that you are loved!
I remember a priest by the name of Fr Vernon told us one time when stress and life get you down...JUST DUMP IT AND FLU**** I know that sometimes it is easier said than done but if we all would learn to do so more often wouldn't life be grand.
Busy day again today. Fixing to hit the shower then put a corned beef roast in the crock pot for supper tonight since I know I will have peas to pick and shell this evening.
God's blessings on your tests and safe travels. Y'all all keep your eye on Gustav.
Just sippin on my Cafe Bustello (espresso). Had a cup with the husband before he had to leave (he leaves an hour before I even need to get up, but I enjoy the quiet time with him in the mornings). Wi**** were a double shot, cuz I'm gonna need it today, but it's not. Hitting Starbucks sounds like a most excellent idea!
Talking about stress....boy has this week brought plenty of that. I try not to let it get to me and so far this week I think I have done pretty good. I got down a little about having to cancel my trip to Atlanta this weekend, but I have accepted it now. The workload is heavy this week and with a hurricane in the Gulf, my job goes into high alert and there is a lot of preparedness that had to be done (not even talking about plywood on windows....talking about local government preparedness for our CIty). So everyone's nerves are on edge until we are SURE it isn't coming our way. I am on call this weekend again rather than spending my long weekend lounging by the pool with my sister and her kids. But that can be rescheduled, I reckon. I will keep our challenge in mind as my day (week/weekend) progresses and try not only to keep my stress level down, but try to help others relieve their stress by being a calm influence. My maantra will be "everything will be alright no matter what".