Tuesday Coffee Talk
That's our challenge today. To just go out and make this the best day you can. The best day of your life! You get what you put into life. If you put in negativity and bad, you get negativity and bad. If you put in nothing, you get nothing. I'm going out today and put the most into this day that I can so it will be a super day! I'm going to smile as much as I can. I'm going to open a door for someone. I'm going to say "HI" every chance I get to a stranger! I'm going to help anyone that I can. I want to have the best day of my life today and I CAN DO THIS IF I SET MY MIND TO! SO CAN YOU!!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend with some white chocolate creamer. I'm out of my favorite, powder creamer, so I am having to compromise. It's still good. LOL
Ya'll go on out now and make this YOUR BEST DAY EVER!!!
Good Morning...
Yes....It's me! I just dropped in to let you know that Jonathan came home last night.
Things are not perfect....we have many things to work out but with God all things are possible. He's trying those wings....I understand that...I just refuse to let him be bound in a foul situation that is completely without virtue!
So continue to pray for us.
Can't wait for the wedding!
Be Blessed!
I love ya and I can't wait to see ya in September at the wedding!
Give your folks my love!
Hi Vickie....
Just crazy BUSY! Trying to organize my life a little and A new Doctor begins the practice next week so I GOT HIM!
Trying to set those things up and do my church thing and mom thing and wife thing and daughter thing and it seems I always forget "some" thing!
Glad you missed me though! I lurk sometimes for a moment or two.
It's like being Santa...I know whose been naughty and nice ...lol!