Pre Surgery Questions
Take non-slip (slipper-type) shoes or socks unless you want to use the hospital's. You really won't need a robe. They will give you another gown to put on with the front open over the gown with the back open for when you walk. Take a hairbrush, toothpaste and toothbrush and some chapstick or lip balm. Take your own pillow of you want (you may need it to hold on your stomach on the way home). Take extra-extra large pull on pants because you will be very swollen in the tummy. Also you may not be able to wear a bra (I couldn't) so you may want to take a camisole to wear under whatever shirt you choose to wear home. This is all I can think of. I don't know how long they keep you down there but the stay here is from one night to two. Tara had to stay 2 nights (surgery early Monday morning and discharge was Wednesday morning). So she showered early Monday morning to be as clean as possible and then didn't shower again until we got home. I hope and pray you have a great experience!
The only pain I had was gas pain and just a little pain in my left side where he did most of the surgery from .i though they had broke my shoulder when i came to in recovery ,and if you walk it will go away pertysoon.When i got home i did not have to take any pain medicen. All i took to the hospital was somthing to wear home ,slippers ,toothbrush,toothpast, comb, deoderant., chapstick i took a gown but used theirs because i had drainage from my little hole they made on my side.
The only pain I had was gas pain and just a little pain in my left side where he did most of the surgery from .i though they had broke my shoulder when i came to in recovery ,and if you walk it will go away pertysoon.When i got home i did not have to take any pain medicen. All i took to the hospital was somthing to wear home ,slippers ,toothbrush,toothpast, comb, deoderant., chapstick i took a gown but used theirs because i had drainage from my little hole they made on my side.