Monday's Thought About Friendship & Nikki
Cleaning her ears...she has permanent tubes. He is removing these tubes IF her ears look good to him to give her body/ears a rest to see how she will do without them...IF her ears look bad to him, he may replace them with another set of permanent tubes.
I know you may ask why would you do surgery to clean ears? She won't hold still in his office at all...and she fails her hearing tests b/c she cannot hear for all of the debride in her ears. He is concerned about rupturing her ear drum if she moves too much in the office when he tries to clean her ears...besides that, she HOLLARS which causes fear for the other patients!
I know you may ask why would you do surgery to clean ears? She won't hold still in his office at all...and she fails her hearing tests b/c she cannot hear for all of the debride in her ears. He is concerned about rupturing her ear drum if she moves too much in the office when he tries to clean her ears...besides that, she HOLLARS which causes fear for the other patients!