B12 injections

Louise A.
on 7/30/08 1:28 am - Anniston, AL
I think it is time to remind everone again about how to do a B12 injection. I have seen, heard, read of all the different ways to give them. But the correct way is, do not use and I plead with you DO NOT use an insulin or TB needle. Most of us on here have enough extra tissue that we need a 1 inch needle. Now if you have a lot of extra tissue you might could go with the 1.5 inch needle. If you are using the very short ones for the insulin or TB then you are not getting your meds. B12 needs to be given deep IM not subq. The most common places to give them is the arm or hip. I have done mine sometimes in the thigh.
The reason for this post is that I have heard some say that they use an insulin syrgine. Please do not do that. If you all have any question please feel free to ask. There is a lot of licensed people on the board who is nurses.
Julie C.
on 7/30/08 2:09 am - Gulf Shores, AL
The Pharmacy gave me the insulin needles.. I bet they have given others the same.
Thank You for this info. We didn't know and it's good to know.
Do we just ask the Pharmacy for the 1.5 needles? They give them to me when I get my b12.

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

Louise A.
on 7/30/08 6:08 am - Anniston, AL
Julie tell the pharmacy that you want the 1 inch or 1.5 inch needles. They sometimes give what ever that can grab first.
Lisa Gotro
on 7/30/08 3:25 am - Fosters, AL
I am glad you posted this. I use a mail order pharmacy (not by choice, it's company insurance).
I have been getting the B-12 from them for 2 years. My last refill that came in had to inject it sub-q. I called them to see why the mistake. After many minutes on hold, I astually spoke to a pharmacist that said in the latest books, it could be given either way, but if sub-q, it did need to be very deep.

I don't know if I buy that. I still do intra-muscular with a "big ole honkin" 1.5 inch needle. OUCH! 

Also, with the mail order pharmacy that I use, you have to have a seperate prescription for the needles. They will not send them with out it.

I miss my neighborhood pharmacist!

Lisa Gotro

RNY: 11/04/04 -123

Julie C.
on 7/30/08 4:37 am - Gulf Shores, AL
I got some "clarification" from my Home Health Nurse who just left.
She said some doctors prescribe it subq or intramuscalar... some believe it to be better one way while another agrees with other ways.
So I guess it's what your doctor thinks or believes??
Hmm.. I dunno! lol

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

Louise A.
on 7/30/08 6:22 am - Anniston, AL
Julie we just discussed this at the support group meeting last month. With gastric bypass we need it IM so that we can get the best results. If given subq you are not getting the desired effect from the drug. I have been seeing some studies that is being done on IM injections as they are now saying that if you have a lot of fluf on the rear that the 1.5 inch might not be long enough to get the med down where it needs to be. I have never in my 25 plus year of being in nursing ever heard of it being given subq. The reason I posted it this morning was that I had read of some one asking about using and insulin syrgine and they have very short needles. I am going to continue to do mine IM and hope that I have helped some of you.
Julie C.
on 7/30/08 9:28 am - Gulf Shores, AL
Yeah.. I don't think my Home Health nurse knows much about gastric bypass patients.

I am going to ask my pharmacy for the 1.5. I give mine in the arm but I have been doing them with the insulin needles because it's what I was given. I didn't ask it was just given. And now I know!!
Thank You for letting me know. I was wondering why I could never tell the difference! And others said they could tell.
This is good to tell others at my support group. I am going to pass this along!!

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

Louise A.
on 7/30/08 6:11 am - Anniston, AL
Hey Lisa. I don't know how you can give it subq and it be very deep. Subq is just under the skin not down into the muscle layer. I am like you I don;t buy that either. I have only ever given it one way and have given tons of B12.
(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 4:25 am - Madison, MS
Good gravy alive, I'm a lost woman!!  I take B-12 shots on a monthly basis and this lingo has me quite confused. When I get home, I'm going to look at my stuff and see what it says. The pharmacy gave me whatever I needed and I just assumed they gave me the right stuff. Ummm... I think we all know what ASSUME does... lol.  Louise, I may be PMing you later for feedback or something.  Hope you don't mind!  :)

Iris Shimmer
on 7/30/08 10:49 pm
I just let the nurse at my docs office do it once a month!!

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