prayers please

Nicole M.
on 7/23/08 3:42 am - Auburn, AL

I know there are so many needs on this board, but if you could spare a prayer for me, I would greatly appreciate it! I will be having knee surgery on Friday to repair some torn cartilage! It will just be outpatient, but surgery is surgery!

Thanks! I hope everyone is doing well!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





on 7/23/08 3:48 am
I will be praying that it goes well and that you recover quickly! I am sure you will be fine

Nicole M.
on 7/23/08 5:08 am - Auburn, AL
Thanks! & Congratulations on your surgery date!


Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





Carmen G.
on 7/23/08 3:55 am - Lincoln, AL
Nicole, you will be in my prayers.  Love you!!
Nicole M.
on 7/23/08 5:09 am - Auburn, AL
Thanks Carmen!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





S. M.
on 7/23/08 3:57 am - In The Country, AL
Oh Nicole this is just as important tome as everyone elses needs including myown.  You canbest bet I will be praying for you hun!  I hate that you are going to have to have surgery but hopefully afterward things will be better!  Prayers are being said hun!  Have a great day! 
~ Susan 
Nicole M.
on 7/23/08 5:10 am - Auburn, AL
Thanks so much Susan!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 7/23/08 4:04 am - East Burbs, MN
Good thoughts and prayers to you for everything to go smoothly and swiftly!!



Nicole M.
on 7/23/08 5:10 am - Auburn, AL
Thanks Dana!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





on 7/23/08 4:34 am, edited 7/23/08 4:34 am - Daphne, AL
Godspeed on your recovery!

prayers-2.jpg PRAYERS image by oneconway





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