serious Question
I was wondering .. The PCD & my Thyroid Doc said they faxed all my clearence papers to my BD Do you think I need to call the BD and make sure they have them ? Or just wait on them to call me. All that is left is them giving me a surgery Date. I thought I might need to call them and make sure all my ducks are in a row??
Call and document! I had such a horrible time with the doctors, surgeons and insurance offices and paperwork while i was trying to get approved and scheduled. I bugged everybody and quite often, when i called i noted the date, time, who i spoke with and a brief summary of the conversation and it helped big time when the insurance company tried to back track on me.
Good luck!
I agree! Don't sit waiting and wondering. Call and document who you talked to, the date and time and what transpired in the conversation. I was on the phone with BCBS plenty of times and they never seemed to mind. You need to be your own advocate in getting through this process. Don't assume that everything is being taken care of...confirm that it is.