I am having a bad case of it here lately. Anyone else have these problems that could give me some advise? I thought it might be that I needed to eat but it still hasnt subsided. I am at work right now and really hate to have to leave. Ever heard of it being stress related? I would consulte my regular doc but I dont like her--she is a pain..ughhh who knows. Anywas
Thanks for any advise. I am going to try to sit here and chill and hope for things to get better.
we cant have our becky boo feeling poorly
its been happening to me too
try to increase fluids
like propel or G2
something with some electrolytes
i was getting dehydrated
even if i was drinking alot
during the day still it wasn****er
and the coffee dehydrated me
feel better soon my friend
let us know how you are feeling
we care!!!!!
your secret pal