Hello and an update
Hey folks - thought I would drop in, say Hello, and give an update to my WL journey thus far. Since my surgery on April 28, I have lost 65 pounds, for a total loss of 98 lbs, since Feb. 9. !! I am currently not taking any of the medications I was before the surgery - no BP meds, no cholesterol meds, no heart meds and no more Bi-Pap mahine! I have my 3 month follow-up at Vandy on July 24 and I'm anxious to see the results of my labs. Hopefully, everything will come back "normal".
As for food, eating is a pain in the rear to me now. I really have to make myself eat solid foods - I would rather just drink a protein shake or protein bullet and go on about my business.
I'm hoping to start back in the gym this week or next with at least 3-4 light workouts a week with light/moderate weights and high reps. That should help burn a few extra calories as well as tighten up the ol' muscles some.
Hope everyone is doing well and sticking to their plans. C'ya!!