Just popping in....
Just popping in to say a quick hello. I had friends stop in last night for a visit and wound up spending the night and going to church today. We had lunch afterwards with some more friends from another church and they headed off back to Auburn. We stayed up late and chatted and even went and visited some old friends that have just moved to the area this week. I am one tired woman. Ever since getting home from church and lunch, I've been cleaning this house like a MAD WOMAN! I've mopped all the hardwoods, kitchen, laundry and both bathrooms a least 7-8 times each. I started off with pinesol cleaner then used plain water then hardwood cleaner and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned......wanted to make sure my baby boy has clean floors to crawl on. I cleaned them till they shined. They look and smell great. Everything does.
Getting ready to head back out to church and pick up the little fella. He spent the night with his Daddy and Pawpaw. I guess he wore his Daddy out cause they didn't come to church this morning. Seems Daddy gave him some cranberry grape juice last night and it upset his little tummy. What was they guy thinking??? Poor Christian. And I was more worried about him getting in the cat food and water. ha ha!!!
I'm a germaphobic. I hate germs. I keep hand sanitizer everywhere. Even some in his diaper bag. Holly carries it in her purse. You should see me with door knobs. Ulg... germs....oh and at school....that's really a tough one for me. I open the doors with my sleeves or push with my arms. Yucky yuck...can you imagine over 1000 kids all touching the same doors? There's only 1 bathroom in the entire school I will use....cause I KNOW it's clean. Our janitors DON'T do a good job at all. The bathrooms are disgusting....I've seen the lady clean them and you can just say.....pour in some cleaner and swish.....no cleaning at all. It's GROSS!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwww. GERMS!!! I had the cleanest kids around. Everyone always said I would never let my girls get dirty. They always had clean hands and faces and clean clothes. I couldn't stand a SPOT on their clothes.....
I'm with you Gwen...kids NEED germs for healthy immune systems. Research is saying now the reason we are having such trouble with kids with allergies is that we are SAFEGUARDING our kids TOO MUCH from germs. This includes allergies from peanuts, etc. My cousin who has a small one with SEVERE peanut allergies was recently told this.
Kids NEED to be KIDS!!!! Loretta, let him play and be a BOY!!!!
And...when my first grandbaby comes along and I worry about germs like you have Loretta, you RE-POST this SAME message for me, okay??? Because I will probably do the EXACT same thing!!!

My son is a germaphobe too. Poor baby, he has hand sanatizer everywhere. He keeps neosporin in his truck and room. He puts it on every little scratch, bump, bite etc. He is constantly cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and bathing. Changes clothes two or three times per day, poor guy. He can't stand for something to be out of place. His girl friend is the same way, everythign has a place and everythign shuld be in it's place....
He didn't get it from me, and he sure as heck didn't get it from his dad...LOL!

LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13