July 4th Coffee Talk
Happy July 4th everyone! Hope you slept great! I woke up a couple of times. This is going to be a great day! What a day to celebrate! What a day to wake up! A day of Independence. Freedom!
Our challenge today is to CELEBRATE your Independence. Celebrate the United States Of America. Celebrate a country that you can live free from dictatorship. What greater country is there on this continent? NONE! Why else is EVERYONE trying to get here? Let's salute the flag today and APPRECIATE OUR GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! GOD BLESS US! GOD HELP US!
What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm loving some more of that Gevalia Mocha Java coffee. The stuff is AWESOME! Gotta love it!
Got big plans today? If so, whatever you do, enjoy your day, be safe, and CELEBRATE YOUR FREEDOM!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning,slept good, feel good,coffee is good,so far the morning is good here.getting ready to go to Loretta Tenn ,my DIL and G/son are doing a run there this morning, then going on up to Lawrenceburg where my In laws are camping,hoping to have a fun and safe 4th.I hope everybody does..Thank God Im an American!!Amen..Juju

Juju! Sounds like you have a great 4th planned! Enjoy yourself! Torey is headed to the beach today. Last minute thing, but I gotta give him some space. He's 19 now. LOL Allison and I will be chilling for a while I guess. RELAXATION!! LOL Thank God I am American too! AMEN!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

On July 4, 2008 at 3:49 AM Pacific Time, Randall Culpepper wrote:
Happy July 4th everyone! Hope you slept great! I woke up a couple of times. This is going to be a great day! What a day to celebrate! What a day to wake up! A day of Independence. Freedom!
Our challenge today is to CELEBRATE your Independence. Celebrate the United States Of America. Celebrate a country that you can live free from dictatorship. What greater country is there on this continent? NONE! Why else is EVERYONE trying to get here? Let's salute the flag today and APPRECIATE OUR GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! GOD BLESS US! GOD HELP US!
What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm loving some more of that Gevalia Mocha Java coffee. The stuff is AWESOME! Gotta love it!
Got big plans today? If so, whatever you do, enjoy your day, be safe, and CELEBRATE YOUR FREEDOM!