bad news.. prayer request
My mom just found out that she has Lou Gehrig's Disease. Most people live about 3 years from diagnosis. Although the life expectancy is 3 years, life is not easy since the disease affects their ability to talk, breathe, and eventually to use their arms or legs. (It has already affected her speech, breathing and is steadily moving to her arms and legs).
Please keep her (and us) in your prayers as we go through this trying time.
Thank you ALL for the prayers and supportive words.
I dropped in earlier but was too emotional to type at the time. Momma's neurologist wanted her to go to UAB but since there is no cure and no real treatment, she didnt see the point. (Personally, I dont see the point either).
I have known for a few weeks that this was suspected but still it's hard to prepare for.
Thankfully, Lou Gehrig's is usually not inherited (only about 10% of all cases are family related, the other 90% are random). This is important because my newest granddaughter has a cousin (on her dad's side) that died from Lou Gehrig's. This gives her a double family history so it is comforting to know that MOST cases are random. I know I shouldnt worry about the future but there are so many questions.. and so few answers.