~~Monday "SHOUT OUT"~~
I'm here.. got home (from Florida) last night.
My plans for the day.. to do as little as possible. I went to a local pet supply store to get the obvious (pet supplies) and I've done a little online shopping. (Kelly is registered at amazon.com so I've been looking at her wish list).
My eating for the day.. cheese. I havent had any in several weeks so I was having severe withdrawals. Dont kick me yet because that's not all I've had. I had fish earlier today.
Prayer requests... Kelly is still having some issues with premature labor. She is due in mid-August. The doctor says the baby is strong and should be OK if she is born early but of course it's best if she is carried a while longer. (The lungs still need to mature).
I am here for a few.....
me eating???? noooooo still can't (barf)
I am making myself eat SALTY crackers (Flipsides!) and drink G2 (lo-sugar Gatorade) as per the DYS doctor!!!!!!!
The kids had Hamburger Helper Crunchy Taco (they love it) & Dan is at work.
Prayers.....yes, please.
My surgery dates are August 6 & 20 th. I am a nervous chickie.
Love you Loretta!!
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op