How long...
I was sore for at least a week or so. Some of my soreness (as I remember) was from the stitches/staples in my belly. Once those were removed, it got better. You are doing the right thing by getting up and moving. I know it is uncomfortable now but give it time, promise. Take your pain meds and try to stay hydrated as best as possible.
Hoping you are feeling better in a short time,
I'll be the first to admit I am the worlds biggest baby... I cried the first week home because I would get light headed and throw up everytime I wanted to take a shower. I slept in the recliner for 3 weeks because it hurt me to lay flat, my poor husband went back to work 3 days after I came home and I would be stuck in the chair for 12 hours because my muscles in my stomach hurt to back for me to manage to get up by myself. Yep. Im a crybaby I know... Anyway after about 3 weeks I decided I may live and sucked it up and havent stopped moving since! Trust me everyone is diffrent and heals diffrently it will take time for you to get back up to par. But its all worth it in the long run!
I guess everyone is different. I wasn't that sore till I vacumed my truck and paid for that. Then after a few weeks and I could eat real food I worked in my yard and pulled weeds in a flower bed and over did it again. OPPS!!!! Didn't learn my lesson. But I felt so good I thought I'd be fine. lol But, I'm all better now. And working full time. So it does get better. And oh boy has the weight come off. It's really fun. Cause I have to go buy new clothes.