Went AWOL Today.....
He sure is good Donna. I can't imagine my life w/o God! Where would I be? I don't even want to think about that! I'm looking for God to be glorified and that HIS will be done in our lives. I'm excited about Ministry! Just pray for me Donna that I always let GOD be seen in me. I'm no one w/o HIM! I love ya my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
PTL my friend!! I am so very proud of YOU!! I know you are going to have a Wonderful time visiting Lucy and her family. Our GOD is such and AWESOME GOD!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED Day and get some rest before your EXCITING trip.
Love Ya,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
I posted yesterday that I was sooooooooo excited about something. THIS WAS IT!!!!! I am thrilled for you. Now I can officially call you Reverend Randall Culpepper. (Although we all now you have been a minister most of your life.) I love you I am just tickled pink for you. You would think I passed the test I am so excited !!!!!
THank you my friend! I appreciate you and Mr. John so much! Rev. Culpepper. LOL I'm just Randall. I told the guy that took me back to give me the reults that this was 30 years in the making. I have known for 30 years that I was a preacher. NOw, I forget those things that are behind me and I press forward to the mark of Jesus Christ! Loev ya my friend! I better get to the office for a few minutes and do the bulletin.
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"